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Release judgment. Embrace self-love.
Discover your happy, healthy life and body you deserve.

Ladies, it’s time:

To let go of the self-doubt and fears that are holding you back.
(“I’m not enough.” “I’ll never make it.” “They were right about me – I’m hopeless.”)

To release the idea you need to be “fixed”, and embrace yourself for who you are.
(Your journey to a positive body image begins when you ditch the diets, and focus on YOU instead.)

To acknowledge your challenges, your victim stories, and your pain, and give yourself space to move forward with self-love.
(Because when we end the blame game, our energy shifts. Our lives blossom.
And we discover more joy than we’ve ever known.)


About the Book

Skinny, Fat, Perfect is part memoir, part road map, and whole-heartedly designed to help you approach healthy body image and weight release from a different perspective.

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