For over 10 years I read these powerful words everyday, often many times a day (I carried them with me). The power in these statements helped my mind shift from pain to power. From hopelessness to possibility. These words instructed my life. I got them from a former coach and teacher of mine and I thank her all the time for providing them to brighten and lighten up my life. I hope they do the same for you.
Affirmations to Heal Your Life & Your Relationship with Your Body.
❤ I am the master of my life, free to create anything I desire.
❤ I am whole and complete, perfect the way I am.
❤ I am radiantly beautiful, powerful and joyous.
❤ I love my body and take care of it everyday the best I can.
❤ My business and contribution performs a valuable service for all and grows more prosperous, satisfying and successful every day.
❤ I handle power wisely, managing people and affairs with great effectiveness.
❤ All barriers to my success are now dissolved, and I am effortlessly making my dreams come true.
❤ Everything in my life is absolutely perfect the way it is.
❤ Endless good now comes to me in endless ways.
❤ Everything in the Universe, visible and invisible, is working to bring to me my own.
❤ Rhythm, harmony and balance are now established in my mind, body and affairs.
❤ The divine plan of my life now takes shape in definite, concrete experiences leading to my heart’s desire.
❤ My good now flows to me in a steady, unbroken, ever-increasing stream of success, happiness and abundance.
❤ All that is mine by divine right is now released and reaches me in great avalanches of abundance, under grace in miraculous ways.
❤ I am harmonious, happy, radiant, detached from the tyranny of fear.
❤ I give thanks for my permanent happiness, my permanent health, my permanent wealth, my permanent love.
❤ I am at peace with myself and the whole world. I love everyone, and everyone loves me.
❤ I am always under divine inspiration. I know just what to do and give instant obedience to my intuitive leads.
❤ Nothing is too good to be true; nothing is too wonderful to happen; nothing is too good to last.
Which one is your favorite?
And what about it feels so important?
Please comment below.
I am going to love reading through your positive affirmations, and…hopefully, really hearing them. It’s amazing how we carry our baggage without even realizing that we can have the power to change.
Thank you!
Thank you, Cecelia! We do carry a lot of baggage, but we ALWAYS have the power to change. All the best…. Laura