As a body image expert, weight is a very touchy topic for me. I care deeply about how women feel about themselves in their bodies. I care about whether they feel strong physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I care about how they feel energetically. I care about how they see themselves when they look in the mirror. And I care…
Can you imagine anything that could hurt more than chronic physical pain? How about the pain that lives inside? The emotional agony that comes with the judgmental stares and whispered comments when you’re 100 pounds overweight? The inability to buy a beautiful dress, or the seat-space shame when flying on an airplane?Now can you imagine losing that weight, and still coming…
There is nothing like the holiday season to bring up pain and suffering for many of you. It is supposed to be a season of light and love and yet many of you find yourself overusing and overeating and feeling guilty for not doing enough or buying enough. It is exhausting! Your critical voice is a common and unfortunate constant…
I love people and I love fat people. I have complete respect for an overweight woman who has the courage and confidence to stride right into a gym full of people with healthy, fit bodies because she is the one who needs to be there most. God bless fat people in gyms! The thing is, it shouldn’t even be about…

For over 10 years I read these powerful words everyday, often many times a day (I carried them with me). The power in these statements helped my mind shift from pain to power. From hopelessness to possibility. These words instructed my life. I got them from a former coach and teacher of mine and I thank her all the time…

I lost my count on how many doctors have asked me how many children I have. They ask because my belly looks like I had kids and in reality I had NONE. Not this lifetime anyway. When I was in my early twenties I was so heavy that my skin couldn’t stand it and stretch marks broke out like a…

Getting Into Your Self-Love Zone This Summer… Summer (my favorite season) is almost complete and still– who else has memories of cookouts, county and state fairs, being in the pool or at the beach all day? These memories come flooding back to me. But that is the life of childhood, when summer vacation meant glorious weeks of no commitments. It’s…

I just love birthdays. I’ve always felt that they are my own personal New Year’s. It’s a time to acknowledge accomplishments, goals, setbacks, loved ones by celebrating that extra number being added on. I am about to ring in “53”. I make sure I celebrate my birthday every year with one women who has brought such love and light and…
Americans spend billions supporting the weight loss industry but often fail because they are not diet or exercise ready. They may be sustaining the industry, but are they really supporting themselves in permanent change? How many of us have homes littered with failed attempts at losing weight or attempting exercise plans guaranteed to take the pounds off and give us…
Every day and every hour — here and all around the world — people take their lives. While the reasons vary, the impact on families and communities is devastating. As outlined in a NY Times article on April 22 of this year, the rapidly rising rate of suicide is something our society can no longer ignore….