Can you imagine anything that could hurt more than chronic physical pain? How about the pain that lives inside? The emotional agony that comes with the judgmental stares and whispered comments when you’re 100 pounds overweight? The inability to buy a beautiful dress, or the seat-space shame when flying on an airplane?Now can you imagine losing that weight, and still coming…
I love people and I love fat people. I have complete respect for an overweight woman who has the courage and confidence to stride right into a gym full of people with healthy, fit bodies because she is the one who needs to be there most. God bless fat people in gyms! The thing is, it shouldn’t even be about…

I lost my count on how many doctors have asked me how many children I have. They ask because my belly looks like I had kids and in reality I had NONE. Not this lifetime anyway. When I was in my early twenties I was so heavy that my skin couldn’t stand it and stretch marks broke out like a…

Getting Into Your Self-Love Zone This Summer… Summer (my favorite season) is almost complete and still– who else has memories of cookouts, county and state fairs, being in the pool or at the beach all day? These memories come flooding back to me. But that is the life of childhood, when summer vacation meant glorious weeks of no commitments. It’s…
Do you ever have thoughts like these? My life would be better if I looked better. I will never look as good as _____________. My _________ is/are so ugly. I am so fat. The scale can’t be right. I look disgusting; no one could ever love me. If you do, you’re not alone. In a seminal study of body image…
We recently talked about how the gift of radical self-love can help you navigate the stress-filled Sugar Holidays. With the holidays behind us, it’s time to put self-love into action through an equally important gift for embracing wellness, releasing excess weight, and discovering a positive body image — the gift of radical self-care. The great news is that you don’t…

With Halloween in the rear-view mirror and Thanksgiving at the next exit, the holiday season is upon us. It is meant to be a joyous time of time-honored traditions, faith, and precious time with loved ones. But for anyone who’s ever struggled with excess weight, negative body image, or poor self-esteem, it can also be a season of guilt and…

Each year kids of all ages don costumes and knock on doors, while neighbors greet them with all kinds of sweet goodies. While it’s fun to make believe and play dress-up every now and then, what about the rest of the year? What if you’re constantly haunted by the ghosts of self-doubt and low self-esteem? What if you’re surrounded by…